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Conducting a Self Brand Audit

When was the last time you looked at your business and evaluated if you are portraying the correct image of who your brand is and what it represents to your potential clients? Probably not so recent if we had to guess, but at no fault of your own. 2021 has been an explosive year for the wedding industry leaving wedding professionals with little or no time to manage their business’s logistics and upcoming weddings, let alone their social media accounts and overall company appearance. But....

That is why we wanted to share our QUICK and EASY way to conduct your own Self Brand Audit. What’s the point of marketing if you aren’t reaching your ideal clients through effective and clear branding, right? Now follow the steps below and get evaluating!

1. Evaluate Your Social Media Presence

When was the last time you planned your social media posts rather than posting on a whim after feeling guilty for being MIA for so long? What social media platforms do you participate in and why? What posts and photos are you showcasing and what content is getting the highest engagement rates? These are a few questions you should ask yourself when evaluating your social media presence. Posting consistent, engaging, and dynamic content will help you gain credibility through your social channels. It also helps showcase to your ideal clientele the types of wedding couples and styles you prefer to work with and why you are a good fit for that type of clientele. What do your social profiles say about you?

2. Ask for Five Descriptors

You may think you are promoting you and your business as a luxe, high end wedding vendor but is that what other people are getting from your brand? To avoid assumptions here we suggest asking a few past clients, friends or maybe even “friendors” what five words come to mind when picturing your business? By asking for opinions from a variety of types of people you will get a great outsiders look at who you are and how you are presenting yourself – helping you better align with your ideal client.

3. View Your Content from the Client’s Perspective

Put yourself in their shoes. Not all wedding couples choose their vendors and buy in the same way. We all know a luxury wedding couple is a very different sell than a DIY shabby chic wedding couple. Be sure that the content couples are seeing when browsing your website and social media channels match the style, budget, and vibe of your ideal client to help assure the client you can execute their dream wedding, as you’ve done for similar past couples.

4. Review Your Website

Is your website easy to navigate, quick loading and portraying the types of wedding couples you want to appeal to? The average website viewer will stay on your website for a total of 15 seconds. That means first, your webpages must load in under three seconds, as a new study from Google has found that websites with load times longer than 3 seconds have a drop rate of 53%. Then from there, your website must be easy to navigate and possess dynamic and branded content that the user can benefit from, whether that be learning more about your packages or reading your newest helpful blog post. Finally, what does the overall look and feel of your website say? Does it match to the likes and personalities of your ideal wedding couple?

5. Review your Marketing Collateral

Like your website, all marketing collateral needs to grab the wedding couple’s attention quickly and provide them the information they need in an effortless way, while also remaining on brand. These documents could range from package proposals to social ads to your profile on The Knot or Wedding Wire. Make sure your photos are up to date and reflect your idea wedding and customer base to continue in attracting the same type of clientele.

Congratulations - In just 5 easy steps you have gotten a pretty good, overall look at the image of your business and how you may be communicating to your clients who you are. Images, colors, word selection and messaging should always be kept top of mind to ensure you are staying on brand and appealing to your ideal clientele.

If you are still a little confused on how your business is being portrayed, and why you may not be booking your ideal wedding couples, please learn more and download our FREE Self Brand Audit or contact us and we’d be happy to conduct a deep-dive analysis on your business and walk you through an extensive audit of your brand.


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