According to The Green Bride Guide the average wedding generates 400 to 600 pounds of waste and 63 tons of CO2–all in one day! Many wedding vendors do not consider the environmental impact of their choices, and because each vendor contributes to multiple weddings per year, your choices as vendors have the greatest impact. And, with more couples than ever looking for environmentally friendly wedding options, it may be time to reconsider your practices and become more eco-conscious. If you want to make the switch, be sure to read our list of the top ten best practices you can incorporate into your routine to appeal to more sustainable wedding couples.

Best Practices for Eco-Friendly Wedding Professionals
Use Sustainable Products From flower vessels, to tabletop paper products take time to evaluate what products you can switch out for more eco-conscious alternatives.
Repurpose Old Materials Repurpose old materials for new purposes. For example, we recently met a florist who has been saving an old candy tubs from her husbands work as water vessels for florals.
Make Use of Secondhand Retailers This tip not only saves the environment but will likely also help your wallet! Before purchasing new items check out local secondhand retailers that might be carrying pieces you need at a discounted rate.
Use Sustainable Packaging + Paper Products Whether you are a paperie using recycled paper for wedding invitations or a wedding planner wrapping client gifts, utilize sustainable packaging and paper products.
Work With Other Sustainable Vendors This isn't only a great way to appeal to potential clients but it's also another great way to grow your network! Find like-minded, eco-conscious vendors that you can refer to your wedding couples and they will be sure to do the same!
Use Local Suppliers Shopping locally does not result in big carbon footprints due to international flights or long truck routes. This reduces both fuel usage and pollutants and will also help you grow relationships with local suppliers and vendors.
Donate a Portion of Your Proceeds to an Earth Conscious Charity Do you have a favorite Earth Conscious charity? Consider donating a portion of your proceeds from everyday sales or one larger donation on Earth Day!
Recycle and Compost Wedding Day Paper Products + Administrative Papers After each event, recycle any paper, plastic, and other recyclable materials, as well as any administrative papers that are no longer needed. Perhaps these materials will be upcycled into new wedding day pieces in the future!
Get a Green Certification With a green certification, nobody will question your environmental awareness. Ask your other green "Friendors" where they got certified or do a quick online search to find the best match for you.
Provide Green Solutions First, when possible The more green solutions you can provide the better. During a consultation, mention any previous green solutions you've come up with for other weddings you've worked on in the past. This will demonstrate your ability to problem solve using green solutions, when possible.

Now, if you read that article and thought to yourself, "Wow, I'd love to rebrand and be more eco-friendly," drop us a simple email through the Contact Us link to see how we can help you realize your rebranding aspirations and aid you in creating a brand you love!